So I really enjoy being a mommy. I find myself spending more time than I realize just looking at him, talking to him, and playing with him. I never thought I would be this into it. But I totally am. I love rocking Ian...I love how he cuddles up right underneath my chin and drifts off to sleep...I love how I see him smile and even giggle in his sleep. I love that he looks a lot like Jonathan but still has a few of my traits as well. I love putting music on and dancing with him. The other day when we were at my parents house, I put on some music to dance with him and before the song was over he had fallen asleep. I love that he loves people. When we had some friends over last weekend he stayed up until about 9pm (without fussing one bit) just to enjoy all the new faces and voices...and then he drifted off to sleep in my arms while I was talking! People ask me what is the hardest thing about motherhood...well, for me, it has been two things: worry (at the beginning with feeding issues) and leaving Ian. Jonathan and I both have had a very hard time going on a date...not because we don't have anyone to watch him (quite the contrary) but we just don't want to leave him. But we finally did. We've been on three dates so far. Well, enough for tonight. I recommend motherhood. It's good for the soul. :-)