Some of you may know that I taught Pre-K for two years. I really enjoyed it. I had so much fun teaching my kids science, math, writing, reading, art, music, health and lots of other things....
At the end of our day we would end up on the playground and that is where our parent pick-up was. As I stood on the playground each day I would always look across the street at the houses. Often times I would try to imagine who would live in those houses and what types of lives they lead. I would carefully examine the exterior and decide if I would make changes if I were the one living there. Anywho, yesterday while returning home from visiting some friends in Salem, I noticed that one of those houses was for sale. And honestly, I couldn't believe it. You have to understand...this is prime location. Very cute neighborhood-y houses, across the street from a church with a preschool, the riverway trail (great biking and walking trail) is just steps away, and super convenient and close to downtown and schools. When I got home I went straight to my computer to find out more. I got to see the inside of the house as well as the backyard with ample gardening space :) I immediately decided that this was the ideal house for our family of three and one day four or five or even six. Then it hit me...this was far from our ideal price. It was fun to dream and to imagine the "what ifs." Afterall, I spent most afternoons on the playground across from this house looking at it and wondering the what ifs then...
I enjoy dreaming and imagining life differently...mostly with a little bit more living space. But I return to the present and decide that I am more than satisfied with the here and the now. I am content in our little home where I can open Ian's window during his nap and then step outside on our porch and read or write and still be able to hear when he is waking up. I am content with our cozy dining area that is constantly being rearranged to try to accustom the needs of a high chair and two spots for me and Jonathan to sit. I now laugh instead of curse my kitchen whose cabinets and drawers are overflowing. I am thankful for our tub AND shower and for the "his and her" closets in our bedroom. But mostly I enjoy the feeling I get when I walk in the door...peace, sanctity, and security. 
Take time to appreciate your living space....when I started to write this entry I thought I would just be writing about the house for sale and how much I liked it...but then I realized something own appreciation for our existing home. Yay for shelter.
Nice post. For some reason I've always really liked that house that's for sale.... although it may be a little hectic on Sunday mornings right next to the church.... I really am thankful for our now home... even if it is just a basement... it works.
Rosie I really liked this post :)
Keep on dreaming...
& live life to the fullest...
Greetings from Stockholm,
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